A relatively new concept of "mass incarceration" means that the 2.3 million American prisoners than any other country in the world. A higher percentage of the population in the United States in prison than any other nation . The United States has 5% of world population, 25% of prisoners in the world. The whole population of American prisons, probation and parole, including waiting on their procedures, 7.3 million Americans.

These numbers are spectacular, has many causes: the minimumSentences, three strikes laws, illegal drugs, gangs, immorality of all modern forms of war against drugs, the decline of marriage and family, the high rate of recidivism, imprisonment of the mentally ill, the decline of the death penalty, issues of criminal justice and all political crime difficult. winning time of economic difficulties, attention to the rising costs to keep these people - 93% men - behind bars. Each prisoner costs about $ 25,000Year and the average prisoner is not much to offset the costs of birth. The social costs are probably even higher. Breadwinners were lost, destroyed families, and most children grow up without a father or mother, to increase social spending, the overall sex ratio is unbalanced and prisoners face poor prospects when he is released.
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Hyper-sensitive statistics for African-American men are much worse. What is a lock-up of nine African-Americans aged 20-34 in 2003calculated that "the current level of incarceration, newborn black man in this country more than 1 in 4 chance of their lives in prison, while the odds of Hispanic and 6 males 1-23, one white man a chance. part-time work "by 2007 Until four years ago, believes that the U.S. Department of Justice that the African-American men, 32% probability that a prison or jail - as slaves - in their lives. Young black men's schoolalmost 50 times more wind behind bars than the average American, and 60% of the population cohort that is now in jail.
The striking comparison between the prison and slavery
African-American men have always been significantly higher than the percentage of the total prison population, with the exception of the Old South, where slaves almost never alone. The state of modern slavery in prison, cage, now know more than a million African-Americans and over one millionLatinos do not exist in the prewar South. The prosecutor in the Old South, whose territory is at least half a dozen counties in eight years of public service, only 12 African-Americans accused of 2000 awards. Have the unequal treatment of African-American slaves in the legal system of the Old South at the time, blacks were less punishment than the formal legal system, which is white, the other is that it is now. Slaves were too valuable to workersPrison. The North was 30 times as many African-Americans caught in percentage than the South in 1850. In 1850, almost all African-American prisoners, north or south, was a "window of the Free Church." Antebellum prisons in Mississippi and Georgia are held to zero African-Americans at different times. In 1890, there were only 8417 people in all races throughout the South's prisons and the federal government do not exist.
The most difficultThe injustices of slavery restriction, educational opportunities and careers. The injustice of slavery most important before the war can be avoided, since we already have a number of sanctions on the former and the restoration of the established importance of hard work, constitutional guarantees for all the citations for time. A recognized characteristic of continuous employment, slavery, and generally good for workers. Many ex-slaves how to grow the generations who have the freedom that younger generations are notSlaves learned to work with their ancestors. Many slaves had good personal contacts with landowners. The harsh truth is that it is better used and appreciated, ignored, denigrated and marginalized.
The number of African-Americans currently in prison in numerically equal to half the total population of men into slaves before the Civil War in 1860. African-American men in 2008, the possibilities infinitely greater education, was 337 times more often than in prisonsAfro-Americans in the South before the war. Afro-Americans in modern American prisons, including parole and probation, all American slaves more than in 1850! The factors that best explain the low employment, lack of discipline and the destruction of the modern family, these terrible statistics. As a percentage of the population, the South Americans yet for much less than the number of North Africans than whites in the United States Prison. Thisagainst slavery, racial disparities in prison a lot to explain. The incarceration rate for whites against blacks in jail is a surprise: The biggest difference is now in prison under the white and the states against blacks in the north, while the most powerful positions in public cons slavery. Iowa, Vermont, New Jersey, Connecticut and Wisconsin, have more racial disparities in all of 200510-to-1, while the deep South states of Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, South Carolina, Texas, racial differences were smaller than 5-to- 1. Almost without exception, detained, imprisoned in the old EU countries are greater proportion of African-Americans than whites in proportion - about double - than the old covenant.
The modern American prisoners is 20 times more likely to commit suicide than before the warSlaves. Comparison with a surprising depth research shows that modern mass incarceration is a social disaster of epic proportions and not financial - slavery before the war, were the most American slaves were not as inhumane, as many believe. But I think the modern American prison of slavery before the war, the stories of hundreds of former slaves in their own words. In the Old South, already banned, usually white, and slaves were safe and not enclosed -Race and crime is not really together. I propose to reduce race-neutral reform of detention and discipline and hard work, very useful to the taxpayer, the victims of crime in our "new slavery" in prison, and the U.S. economy. "Slavery and Prison - a stunning confrontation" contains the only practical solutions and focused on market belief that the president of the NAACP hours against the worst crisis of democracy, mass incarceration. Forget the stereotypes . TheThe facts will surprise you.
More than half of released prisoners in the wind behind bars, often within three years after its publication. This is a revolving door. In 1910, Emma Goldman wrote: back "year after year in prison gates of hell in the world with a thin, warped, unknowingly, the castaways of humanity, and the mark of Cain on their foreheads , their hopes crushed all frustrated with the natural inclinations, the is nothing. but hunger and inhumanity to greet them, these victims soonDip in crime as the only way to be. "With the crisis has not changed in 100 years.
modern prisons "not so long ago, as many believe, is less than 200 years. Modern prisons has increased since the U.S. Constitution was written. The initial objective was to rehabilitate criminals, but rehabilitation is a dramatically effective. is the worst rule in prison. The only thing that is really to prevent, combatIf the crime behind bars. Federal laws on forced labor and industry of prison to prevent competition in the market, so most of the prisoners is idle most of the time in question.
The mark of Cain is now a label of "sinner", a stigma that effectively rules ex-inmates of social welfare, housing, food stamps and more jobs. Today, while African Americans constitute a significant percentage of the prison, the stigma of the criminal, the name of a new Jim CrowBook written under the name Michelle Alexander. Angela Y. Davis, a radical call for the detention of famous modern mass society of "New Age Slavery" is. Most critics of the current system of mass incarceration in the left side of the political spectrum, those who are less fortunate in the society page. Unfortunately, the liberal critique of the system are not many practical solutions to the problem. Booker T. Washington knew better than WEB Du Bois few things. Big GovernmentHead of slavery was long, it was obviously not in their offer, which managed little hope for themselves.
The illusions of the nineteenth and twentieth century, was originally a humanitarian movement led to the idea that people at the right time, when placed in cages or cells. This misunderstanding has led to a new form of slavery has become popular in the United States than in any other country. We do not have the last chapter of American slavery has been reached.Slavery is abolished, we thought, then developed a new type of slavery. Antebellum slavery has disappeared, but the new era of American slavery, mass incarceration is much worse. We're not used by the thought of "slaves" of prisoners, but in a fundamental way, I was a slave. Although it is not mobile, the prisoners were not absolute obedience to physical freedom and the rule of law can not enjoy a few rights and enslaved and abused for several years in prison and after their release. TheU.S. agricultural products, patronizing, socialized with employees of private enterprises, slavery, impersonal, institutional, mass arrests, hard surfaces covered addressed in Washington, DC and 50 provincial capitals. The distorted world of modern mass incarceration, slavery, slavery of State, and New Age. Unfortunately, the prison population in America is now the largest group of welfare recipients in full swing in the world.
The problem must be addressedMarket oriented, racially neutral, biblical, constitutional, pro-American. Study of the legacy of slavery before the war, and found that it is not so bad, the slaves in the modern media, how the media describe them. This was confirmed Posted by Library of Congress Web site, where about 2,300 slaves stories are collected from 1936 to 1938. Every horror story of slavery before the war, he is an ex-slave, remember in the old South, mainly because the well owners. Modern research has shownthat slavery was economically efficient, productive and profitable for slave owners. Many plantations were self-sufficient in food, clothing and shelter. Slaves were generally in good health, food, clothing and shelter, were the financial problems excellent condition, no alcohol or drugs, excessive, do not kill each other, almost as much as they are today , admired fervently enjoyed the holiday was recognized dissatisfaction slave Frederick Douglass to remain lowNever in prison, describes the Christian virtues, and many children. Schiavo spent 88% of economic output. slave children were more likely to grow up in a family with two parents, that modern American children.
We can draw some solutions to the problems of modern research in the war, when we take the fight against racism and injustice in our new-age slavery. Of course, a nondiscriminatory basis, reforms are continuing. In short, we must (1) the removal of three federal lawsInhibition of prison labor and industry, and (2) The exemption applies in the areas of criminal justice legislation to more laissez-faire negotiations (do not condemn rental) for private sector and prisoners and the prison strong man reduced (3) an old monitor at home, a metal collar, is recommended, with or without electronic confirmation modern, and (4) corporal punishment (much of the Bible, and a dozen ex-slave, and I quote:George Washington, General, and not a slave owner, Thomas Jefferson, the legislature, not the slave owner, Cesare Beccaria, etc.), these reforms are the prisoners to improve safety, work more mental work "and a supportive environment, are ready in the company run by religious groups, industry, or someone to invest in prisons and industry.
Corporal punishment has already tried once worked anywhere and it has been a feature of every slave society, and most free societies in history.Freedom is obtained by physical punishment and the metal collar (or modern surveillance technology). After the punishment of the guilty are not, families, marriages, jobs, schools, churches and communities are removed. In addition to the punishment of criminals in prison, crippling, for many years in captivity are not to prevent or rehabilitate offenders. The method of struggle against the offer of the aggressive war against drugs is not complete, it is time for the demand side, personal attackRepression, because it will not in some countries, but now back.
The hard work is almost the opposite of the offense. We need the Americans are prisoners in useful work, and learn to discipline themselves and keep preparing for their release, and trouble against the power of street gangs and prison. This can occur if the prison industries, autonomous and free from most state regulation of the economy. The public does not pay the otherI can not rehabilitation, and "anything goes." Measure, the current economic crisis is surmounted better work with our colleagues.
This change occurs. California is facing a major crisis in the prison when a federal judge to release 40,000 prisoners in California can not afford to support medical services. In other states, prison budgets have increased steadily in recent years to fund training. The company has not beeneconomic conditions of prisoners. American prisons and crime is clear and without question, and we need fundamental reform.
The striking comparison between the prison and slavery
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